plz spend at least 5 minutes from the 24 hours that Allah gives us every day to read this... juz wanna share an article that i came across... hopefully it can benefit us, insya Allah... :) p/s - ad tmbh sket2 so that u guys won't get bored reading this (hopefully)...
methods of remembering Allah:
How can you remember Allah throughout the normal course of your day without withdrawing from the routine of your daily worldly life?
How can you ensure that your personal life, family life, professional life and other activities all continue in full swing, and yet, at the same time, ensure that your life as a whole - every moment of it - is permeated with remembrance of Allah?
Such an all-pervading remembrance can be an onerous task, but one you can accomplish - with some ease. Let me remind you of four states of consciousness that you must strive to develop by remembering certain things, absorbing them and reminding yourself of them often.
1. Say to yourself: I am in Allah's presence; He is watching me
sounds easy huh? but this is one of the 'little things' that we always forget. hlgnye rs malu sbb kte dh xsdr dri kte ni sntiasa diperhatikan Allah. sdgkn kalo pngws exam tgk kte jwb exam kte dh xslesa, inikan pula Allah melihat setiap perbuatan kte. masya Allah... malunye...
If ever you are alone, He is the second and that if you are two, He is the third. He is with you wherever you are. He is nearer to you than your jugular vein.
He is watching everything that you do and hearing everything that you say. He is ever present and His knowledge is all encompassing. Remind yourself of this as often as you can, and throughout the day - every time you begin a new task, and every time you speak.
Indeed, your aim should be to impress this on your heart in such a way that it ultimately becomes your very breath. When the Prophet was asked by a Companion about the best method of purifying himself, he replied: 'You should always remember that Allah is with you wherever you are.' (At-Tirmidhi)
2. Say to yourself. Everything I have has been given to me by Allah.
subhanallah... tepuk dada tnye iman, adkh kte ni trmsk dlm golongan hamba Allah yang brsykr? kte bgn pg adkh kte mngucapkn Alhamdulillah? prot kte knyg adkh kte ingt utk brtrime ksh kpd yg tlh mmbrikn rezki kpd kte? kte msh hdp skang n dkurniakn nikmat mata utk bce post ni adkh kte ingt utk brsykr kpdNya? ucapknlah alhamdulillah shbt2 ku... kte ni hanya lah dr setitik air mani yang hina. jgnla brasa bngge dgn ape yg tlh dilurniakn Allah sbb sume bnde tu bkn milik kte. hnya pnjmn semata2...
When the Prophet rose in the morning, he would say Alhamdulillah (Thanks to Allah)
whenever he ate or drank he would say Alhamdulillah; and even when he relieved himself he would give thanks to Allah.
Learn as many of the sayings as you can, and throughout the day, as you witness all that Allah has blessed you with, punctuate your day with these sayings.
If ever you appear to be short of things to be thankful for, recall the hadith of the Prophet: 'There are 360 joints in the body and for each joint you must give a sadaqa (thanks or charity) each day.' ( Al-Bukhari)
Additionally, you may remind yourself that, as we now know from our knowledge of human physiology, your heart beats 72 times a minute. Every time it beats, it does so with the permission of Allah.
The moment He withdraws that permission, the heart will stop beating and your life will certainly come to an end. If you feel that there is nothing else to thank Allah for, then thank Him for the life that He has given you - for, so long as there is life, there is hope.
3. Say to yourself: Nothing in this world can happen without His permission.
men propose, god disposes or manusia merancang ttpi Allah yg menentukn. so we have to remember that wateva happens, it's because of Allah. kalo kte dpt excellent results in our exam it's not bcoz of our usaha tp krn Allah. kalo kte xdpt excellent result pn doesn't mean that kte xpndai or x ckp usaha tp krn Allah. indeed Allah knows what's best for all of us. "Allah doth wish to lighten your (difficulties), for men was created weak" 4:28
so hopefully after this we'll have more faith towards Him.
Everything lies in the hands of Allah. No harm can befall you and no benefit can reach you except as Allah ordains. God says in the Quran what means,
{If God should touch you with misfortune, none can remove it but He; and if He should touch you with good fortune, He has power over all things. He alone holds sway over His creatures; He is the All- Wise, the All-Aware.} (Al-An`am 6:17-18)
The Prophet Muhammad would supplicate to Allah after each Prayer:
O Allah, whatever You want to give me, no one can stop it from coming to me and whatever You want to prevent from coming to me, nobody can give to me. (Al-Bukhari)
And beyond that, remind yourself as much as you can and throughout the day, especially as you expect something to happen, or not to happen, that everything happens only as He commands, and by His permission.
4. Say to yourself: I am going to return to Allah one day and that day could be today.
astaghfirullahalazim... bpe kali dlm sehari kte ingt kpd mati? sdgkn malaikat maut sntiasa mnjenguk kte setiap hari (i can't remember bpe kali so sape yg ingt blh gtau). it is said that org yg bijaksana ialah org yg sntiasa mngingt mati. why? sbb die akn slalu aware ngan ape2 yg dibuat. example, ad kate2 ni, "bekerjalah kamu seperi kamu akn hdp slame2nye dan beribadatlah kamu seperti ini ibadat trakhir kamu". i'm sure i don't have to explain this coz sume bdk2 ib kn. msti phm, insya Allah. ;)
You do not know when you will leave this world. It may be that the coming morning is your last morning, or perhaps the coming evening is your last evening.
Indeed, it may be that this hour is your last hour, or even, that this moment is your last moment. Such an uncertainty does not, of course, justify a complete withdrawal from this life so as to prepare for the next in some monastic fashion.
It is important, however, that you are always conscious of this uncertainty, to the extent that it motivates you to spend every moment of your remaining life seriously, considering it as a gift from Allah and spending the resources He has blessed you with - time, ability and energy as He has advised. Then, and only then, will your life have achieved what is required of it, and your return will achieve what is required of it.
{…From Allah we came and to Him we shall return.} (Al-Baqarah 2:156)

so that's all for this post. agk pnjg la but insya Allah setiap saat yg kte luangkn utk Allah akn dberkatiNya dan digantikan dgn masa yg lbh pnjg...
finally, asif shbt2 andainye ad kkrgn dlm post ni or ad rs trguris. ssghnya sy hanyalah seorg manusia yg xlari dr kekhilafan. n sume yg bek tu dtg dr Allah... remember, Allah is always watching us :)
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